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Rolling Cyber Debate Question for John Hagelin from November 2, 2000
From Web White & Blue (
I think the United States is one of the world's most forward-thinking, family-oriented nations, which runs counter to the fact that we do not have a paid maternity leave policy. Would you support such a policy?
Submitted from Anna from Chicago, Illinois, via
Our American workforce, along with our labor unions, should use their growing clout to lobby their employers for more complete and competitive benefits--from higher salaries to paid family leave. In an increasingly tight labor market, with unemployment low, American workers and unions are in a stronger position than ever to demand better working conditions and more comprehensive benefits--and I strongly support their ability to do so. However, paid family leave has cost implications that can impact a company's financial competitiveness and/or drain money from other employee benefits. It is not the province of the federal government to dictate how our small and large businesses balance the competing needs of their employees, except to ensure that fairness in the workplace and that the constitutional rights of all Americans are upheld.
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