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April 29, 2001 National Conference Call

Rock on Doctor John

National Public Radio's (NPR) "Morning Edition" on Monday morning, October 9. RealPlayer

An Exclusive Interview of John Hagelin With Invoter September 23rd at Albany, NY (4 minutes)

Nat Goldhaber, Candidate for US Vice President, Address to the Independence Party of New York, September 23rd at Albany, NY (6 minutes)

Hear John Hagelin Discuss His Strategies for Victory in 2000 Replay of a national conference call on February 16. Find out why John Hagelin is running for the presidential nomination of the Natural Law Party, Reform Party, and Green Party.

Hear John Hagelin Discuss Food Safety Replay of a telephone conference call to California supporters on February 10, 2000, about the genetic engineering of our food supply


John Hagelin Interview, produced by David Lynch

Neale Donald Walsch, bestselling author of Conversations with God and Friendship with God, at the Natural Law Party Convention on September 1

John Hagelin responds to the first presidential debate questions. (Video and Audio)

CSPAN Broadcasts (RealPlayer):

Press Conferences:

July 24 Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington D.C.
Real Player

June 20 Press Conference, National Press Club, Washington D.C.

John Hagelin's Keynote Speech

Solutions: A new vision of national administration for the 21st century (1 minute)

Education: Developing the full mental potential of America's students (1 minute)

Health Care: Creating a true health care system (not a disease care system) to prevent disease, improve health, and reduce costs (1 minute)