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Rolling Cyber Debate Question for John Hagelin from November 1, 2000
From Web White & Blue (

Many young voters are turning to Nader or just skipping the election entirely. What is it about the Gore and Bush campaigns that's turning off youth? And I'd like Gore and Bush to explain why third parties have been excluded from the televised debates.
Submitted from Victoria from Burlington, Vermont, via Choose or Lose

Young voters are turning to me or to Ralph Nader because Gore and Bush are not addressing their issues. Young adults are naturally concerned about the sustainability of our nation's policies and programs--whether our energy, environmental, agricultural, health care, and other policies will remain viable for theirs and future generations.

Yet there has been no discussion by Bush or Gore of renewable energy policies, sustainable agriculture, or preventive and alternative medicine that put our government on a lasting, sustainable basis.

In addition, there has been no real discussion of racial injustice, criminal injustice, the death penalty, the decriminalization of nonviolent drug offenses, and similar issues that concern our socially conscious youth.

For solutions to these problems, young Americans are turning increasingly to the Hagelin/Goldhaber campaign and the Natural Law Party, dedicated to sustainable solutions that are in harmony with Natural Law. When students and young adults visit the Hagelin website at, they become extremely energized and engaged in our campaign to take back our stolen democracy from two, old, ideologically bankrupt parties and the special interests that own them.

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