Rolling Cyber Debate Question for John Hagelin from October 18, 2000
Answer: Our trade relations with China are vitally important to China's economic growth and constitute our only significant strategic leverage with China. Thus it is important that we extend access to U.S. markets strategically, using trade as an effective "carrot" to promote improvements in China's human rights behavior--including its treatment of Tibet and its persecution of its own religious dissidents. Granting permanent normal trade relations to China destroys any credible threat of denying access to our markets and thus surrenders our key strategic advantage. Both houses of Congress passed permanent normal trade relations with China, despite opposition by a majority of U.S. citizens-- legitimate opposition due to labor, environmental, and human rights concerns. Passage of permanent normal trade relations was pushed through the Congress by corporate interests more concerned with the sale of tobacco, pharmaceuticals, and Coca-Cola than with labor, the environment, or human rights. I will remove the undue influence of special interests by eliminating PACs and "soft money" and restore government accountability to the people. I will support balanced, tailored, nation-to-nation trade policies that promote the economic welfare of all Americans, provide markets for our domestic small businesses, safeguard American employment and labor standards, protect human rights, and ensure that imported goods meet our environmental and product safety standards.I will also do my utmost to prevent a Chinese invasion of Taiwan by
If, despite these efforts, conflict does erupt, the U.S. should not become engaged militarily, but should muster as much global diplomatic and economic pressure as can be brought to bear on China.