During the last two weeks, leaders of the Independent political movement have issued a powerful call for unity to all independent-minded voters (see petition below). If you would like to support this effort, please complete the form below. If you would like to spread the word, please download the petition, make copies, and ask your friends to sign. When these petitions are full, please send them to the mailing address given at the bottom of the downloaded version of the petition. Thank you in advance for supporting this important initiative. P E T I T I O N Independents Appeal To Governor Jesse Ventura, Ralph Nader, and Ross Perot To Unify Our Movement Our country now has tens of millions of independents. We are connected by our mistrust of politicians and parties, the need for reforming our political process and our opposition to the corrupting influence of special interests in government and elections. This movement has taken different forms over the years: 20 million votes for Ross Perot; Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura's election; John McCain's huge popularity in the presidential primaries; Ralph Nader's 2.7 million votes in the last election; popular support for term limits, campaign finance reform and non-partisan debates. The independent movement is out here growing, but waiting to be led. Now, there must be a coming together of independents across the ideological divide - from the center, left and right. We must find a way to overcome narrow interests, connect with the entire independent movement and unify its leadership. It's not about ideology! It's about joining together to confront corrupt special interest control of our government! Therefore, we, the undersigned, join with the initiators of this petition in calling for a MILLION INDEPENDENTS MARCH ON WASHINGTON. We want to unify. We can't do it without you coming together to lead. It's time to show America that independents are strong and united. Co-Initiators:
For more information, call 212-803-1880 or 800-288-3201, or fax 212-803-1899. Committee for a Unified Independent Party (CUIP) 225 Broadway, Suite 2010, New York, NY 10007 |